Did anyone miss my August goals? Ha! No worries, I did too folks. It turns out four weddings, a road trip to North Carolina with two kids under four, three-day conference, and a trip to Canada while nursing a 9 month old, all in the span of six weeks amounts to a shortage of spare time. As such my end-of-summer goals were put on the back burner. While I missed my regular cathartic process of writing posts which helps hold myself accountable, I surprisingly enjoyed the time away to focus on some new pivots and changes unfolding over the next quarter.
In my September newsletter I alluded to a few of the upcoming changes I’ll be making come the end of the year and start of 2020. The feedback from everyone has been so encouraging and positive! August felt a bit bittersweet and I found myself often feeling restless and melancholy? I’d be lying if I told you that didn’t have a little to do with being away. So the messages from readers helped kick me into gear and I finally reflected back on my 2019 goals to get back on track for the remainder of the year. If you want to recap my goals for the year, you can do so here. And if you want to catch my new email newsletter you can sign up here!
I won’t recap my July goals because they were extremely simple. Since they were are commitment-geared too, they all happened with ease! Instead I’ll go right into what’s coming this month, which may I add, is a whole lot! It’s a full 4+ weeks ahead, and I’m ready to dive in and welcome a new season with open arms.
My September goals:
• Enjoy my evening out with the girls celebrating the end of wedding season
• Start music class with Everett and enjoy our one on one adventure time
• Execute a beautiful 10 year anniversary party for Renee Austin Wedding
• Celebrate nine years of marriage to my favorite person with a date night
• Have family photos taken to capture us in this season / Ev turning one
• Write my new website copy (focus on the About Me & Services page)
• Start (and finish!) a new proposal for a special project; prayers here!
• Finish making all of the soap I want to sell at the November craft fair
My weekly September goals:
• Carve out one day a week for a workout at the Y or attend a F45 class
• Soak up the last bit of outdoor-appropriate weather with the boys
• Attend weekly counselling sessions and biweekly marriage counselling
• Sing my guts out at church without worrying about being off-key
• Blog one to two new posts each week!
As always, link to your own goals below. I’d love to support you! Xo
Photos by Ally & Bobby